The Training Program in the
Neuroscience of Human Cognition

The Training Program in the Neuroscience of Human Cognition provides a foundation for the broader cognitive neuroscience community at Northwestern. We offer programming that supports trainees at all levels across many departments on both campuses. The T32 program also benefits from NIH funding that is used to support a specific set of pre- and post-doctoral researchers each year as they receive mentorship from one or more preceptors.
Applications are accepted as positions become available and announcements will be sent to our email listserv to alert potential applicants about openings and due dates. To join the listserv, please login to the NU List Management System using your full Northwestern email address and NU NetID password. Click the three parallel lines on the right, and scroll down to 'Subscribe or Unsubscribe'.
Please note that appointments to the T32 in Human Cognition come with certain obligations, including the following.
- Trainees and their preceptor(s) attend meetings of the Cognitive Brain Mapping Group (CBMG) and present at least once per year.
- Trainees and their preceptor(s) participate in the annual Data Blitz (usually in March).
- Trainees present their research for the Training Grant Day event (usually in March).
- Trainees complete Individual Development Plans for one to two annual advising meetings with the Program Director.
- Trainees apply for external grants (e.g., F31/F32, see 'Opportunities' for more options).
- If they have not already done so, trainees participate in a Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course as mandated by NIH. For predoctoral fellows, the relevant course is NUIN 490 – Responsible Conduct of Neuroscience Research, typically offered in the summer quarter. Postdoctoral fellows are required to attend the course: Taking Responsibility for Responsible Conduct of Research, offered each winter through the NUCATS Institute.
- Trainees take the course Cogsci 401: Mind and Brain taught by the Program Director, and are encouraged to take two advanced statistics courses.
- Eight weeks before the end of the appointment, trainees submit a progress report to the Director and The report should include: i) a 2-page description of work accomplished and future research plans; and ii) a letter of support from your advisor. This progress report may serve as the basis for considering reappointment for an additional year (for those who have had only 1 year of funding to that point).
- For publications in peer-reviewed journals trainees acknowledge support from NIH grant T32 NS047987, and register this grant association with each paper on myNCBI.
- Trainees provide descriptions of their work and accomplishments for administrative purposes, including annual progress reports sent to NIH, both during and after their appointment.
Application Instructions
Applicants should submit the following materials (1 – 5) as a single pdf, in the order listed, to along with an indication of what position they are applying for, current department, and program (if applicable). Please include "HumCog T32" and your last name in the subject line. Please ask that your recommenders also put "HumCog T32: your last name” when emailing letters of recommendation.
From the applicant
- NIH Biosketch (see 'Biosketch Info')
- Description of proposed project, 2 pages maximum plus references
- Unofficial Northwestern transcript
- A description of current-year participation in T32 activities (both for prospective trainee and preceptor)
- A diversity statement (or statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion)
From the advisor
- A letter of recommendation, which must include (a) a training plan for the applicant, and (b) a description of current-year participation in T32 activities for the prospective trainee and for the preceptor or preceptor’s lab group
- NIH Biosketch
From 2 other faculty members, submitted separately
- 2 additional letters of support (pdf preferred)